Price Your Products for Profit with these Psychological Strategies

Nothing is more important when running a successful business than pricing your products accurately. Most business leaders are already examining the maths, costs and business considerations behind pricing, but there is also an entirely separate consideration which needs to be taken into account – human psychology. Human psychology and decision-making play a huge role when […]
Have Your Own Budget Shortfall? Here’s What to Do…

Government’s approach to balance this year’s National Budget 2024 shortfall of R15 billion didn’t set a positive example for South African individuals and businesses that face the same economic challenges but are, unlike government, unable to side-step spending cuts by squeezing taxpayers and tapping into national reserves. Given the economic conditions, business and personal […]
Your Tax Deadlines for April 2024

05 April – Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 25 April – VAT manual submissions and payments 29 April – Excise Duty payments 30 April – Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments & CIT Provisional payments where applicable. Contact us today for all your Payroll, HR & Recruitment needs! We pride ourselves on offering […]
Donating to a PBO? Check SARS’ New Requirements (and PBOs Note Your New 31 May Deadline)

With a valid tax certificate from a qualifying PBO, taxpayers – companies and individuals – can get a tax deduction for donations made. New requirements for both valid tax certificates and PBOs have been implemented by SARS, the most recent being effective from 31 May 2024, affecting both PBOs and their donors. Before donating […]
Freelancer vs Employee: How to Decide

With so much of the population now working remotely as contractors or freelancers, the traditional employer/employee model is being scrutinised more closely than ever before. While considered a classic form of doing things, there is little doubt that the full-time employee still has much to offer a company, in the right circumstances. Deciding when to […]
Your Tax Deadlines for March 2024

07 March – Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 25 March – VAT manual submissions and payments 27 March – Excise duty payments 28 March – End of the 2023/24 Financial year, Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments, & CIT Provisional payments where applicable. Contact us today for all your Payroll, HR & Recruitment […]
The Five Skills Your Business Needs to Cultivate in 2024

If you are like the vast majority of companies out there, you are neglecting employee training and it’s going to cost your business. This is the warning coming out of the Harvard Business review which reported that one of the main reasons top talent leaves an organisation is that they feel their career development is […]
Things to Look for When Buying a Small Business

On the surface buying into a small business can seem easy. There aren’t a lot of laws to negotiate, and payment can often be done in a single cash-based transaction. However, there are a lot of hidden pitfalls that could make this one of the worst decisions of a person’s life. This is why investment […]
Budget 2024: Your Tax Tables and Tax Calculator

Budget 2024 effectively brought an increase in personal income tax by not adjusting the tables for tax rates, rebates and medical tax credits, while also implementing substantial increases in ‘sin’ taxes and introducing a proposed global tax on multinational companies. This selection of official SARS Tax Tables and other useful resources will help clarify your […]
Budget 2024: How It Affects You and Your Business

There were few surprises and little in the form of good news in Budget Speech 2024. Although there were no major tax proposals and no major tax rate hikes announced, individual taxpayers will bear the brunt of a R15 billion Budget shortfall, while multinational corporations will pay a global minimum corporate tax, and plans are […]