HR Regulatory Compliance

The Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA)

Regulates conditions of employment of certain categories of employees (including domestic workers). Issues regulated include maximum working hours, meal intervals, overtime, work on Sundays and public holidays, minimum annual leave, sick leave, and termination of contracts of employment.

HRPT helps businesses to ensure their HR Policies and procedure manuals and contracts of employment meet all Labour Law and BCEA requirements and are aligned with their business needs.

Contact us today for all your Payroll, HR & Recruitment needs!

We pride ourselves on offering cost-effective payroll and HR solutions, and on the enhanced levels of confidentiality, integrity and trust we bring to each project.

Turn Financial Year-End Challenges into Triumphs!

Are you struggling to:

  • Meet all the HR compliance requirements?
  • Completed your payroll tasks?
  • Reviewed your employees and ensured that their employee files are up to date?
  • Have you checked all our policies and procedures
  • Reviewed your employee benefits and pay rates
  • Aligned to minimum wage effective 1/3
  • Set up performance reviews?
  • Done your HR planning for the next year and set you development budget?

Book a FREE 30min Consultation today!