HR Management

Disciplinary Management

Discipline management is therefore a fundamental role and obligation of line management and the directorate of human resources as well as employee representatives. To protect employees from unfair and irrational conduct, disciplinary codes, procedures, and standards should be consistently implemented in the workplace.

Why is disciplinary code and procedures/process important?

A business needs to have a disciplinary code and process to ensure everyone understands the rules and standards set by the employer. 

HRPT has the necessary skills and experience to assist business owners with disciplinary procedures and the management of employee grievances helping to defuse a volatile situation.  The business owner is informed of the process and the importance of containment, ensuring that employees feel that their opinions count as well as the risk of discontent spreading and disrupting their business. 

HRPT services include:

Impartial chairing of disciplinary hearings

 HRPT provides impartial chairing for disciplinary hearings to enhance the credibility of the disciplinary hearing and to ensure both sides are treated fairly.

Preparations for CCMA hearings 

HRPT helps the business owner to prepare for CCMA proceedings.

Our approach is as follows:

Union and bargaining councils

As experienced negotiators HRPT assists business owners with the following:

Minute Taking 

HRPT offers a minute-taking service to business owners during disciplinary hearings. Minutes are taken during the proceedings by an HRPT employee, distributed at the hearing for confirmation, and signed off as a true representation of the proceedings.  Already working on this as there is a client in Cape Town requesting this service for CPT, DBN, and JHB

To protect employees from unfair and irrational conduct, disciplinary codes, procedures, and standards should be consistently implemented in the workplace.

Contact us today for all your Payroll, HR & Recruitment needs!

We pride ourselves on offering cost-effective payroll and HR solutions, and on the enhanced levels of confidentiality, integrity and trust we bring to each project.

Turn Financial Year-End Challenges into Triumphs!

Are you struggling to:

  • Meet all the HR compliance requirements?
  • Completed your payroll tasks?
  • Reviewed your employees and ensured that their employee files are up to date?
  • Have you checked all our policies and procedures
  • Reviewed your employee benefits and pay rates
  • Aligned to minimum wage effective 1/3
  • Set up performance reviews?
  • Done your HR planning for the next year and set you development budget?

Book a FREE 30min Consultation today!