Payroll Services

Outsourced Payroll

Payroll administration can be very labour-intensive! Due to the confidential nature of the information involved, it typically lands on your desk as the business owner or manager. If you’re losing a day or more of each month to payroll administration, it’s time to outsource this function to HRPT.

Avoid Penalties

Compliance with all statutory requirements

Submit on time, every time

Year-end and mid-year reconciliations and submissions

Boost employee motivation

Ensuring optimal net salary for each employee

Offer help with self-assessment

Employee tax certificates

Streamline your systems integration

Ongoing optimisation of your payroll function

Ensure legal compliance and efficiency

Advice on policies and procedures

Understand exactly where your money goes

Payroll audit

HRPT offers three payroll solutions

Outsourced Payroll

We use specialist software packages to deliver customized payroll services solutions, scaled to meet the current and future needs of your business.

Outsourcing your payroll administration is an ideal way to free up more time. It lets you concentrate your energy on what you do best – driving the growth of your business.

Payroll Support

If you have an existing in-house payroll system that you are using, we can help with Payroll support. 

Hybrid Model

In some instances, business owners might decide to outsource a portion of their payroll especially for executives while the rest of the payroll is managed with an internal system.

We use specialist software packages to deliver customized payroll services solutions, scaled to meet the current and future needs of your business.

Contact us today for all your Payroll, HR & Recruitment needs!

We pride ourselves on offering cost-effective payroll and HR solutions, and on the enhanced levels of confidentiality, integrity and trust we bring to each project.

Turn Financial Year-End Challenges into Triumphs!

Are you struggling to:

  • Meet all the HR compliance requirements?
  • Completed your payroll tasks?
  • Reviewed your employees and ensured that their employee files are up to date?
  • Have you checked all our policies and procedures
  • Reviewed your employee benefits and pay rates
  • Aligned to minimum wage effective 1/3
  • Set up performance reviews?
  • Done your HR planning for the next year and set you development budget?

Book a FREE 30min Consultation today!