HR Compliance

Statutory and regulatory compliance

Annual returns need to be filed 30 business days after the anniversary date of its incorporation and an administrative fee is charged for maintaining the company’s registration with CIPC.  

Download this easy checklist to ensure you are compliant.

Other HR Compliance Services

HRPT assists business owners to ensure that they are HR compliant. We keep you up to date with the latest regulatory changes and how it impacts the management of employees and the business.

Contact us today for all your Payroll, HR & Recruitment needs!

We pride ourselves on offering cost-effective payroll and HR solutions, and on the enhanced levels of confidentiality, integrity and trust we bring to each project.

Turn Financial Year-End Challenges into Triumphs!

Are you struggling to:

  • Meet all the HR compliance requirements?
  • Completed your payroll tasks?
  • Reviewed your employees and ensured that their employee files are up to date?
  • Have you checked all our policies and procedures
  • Reviewed your employee benefits and pay rates
  • Aligned to minimum wage effective 1/3
  • Set up performance reviews?
  • Done your HR planning for the next year and set you development budget?

Book a FREE 30min Consultation today!